May 4, 2023: The little joys of the busy life

Yes, I know – I am late. Not because I intended to give today a miss, but I had to complete my 10,000 steps of the day and it’s never easy when you’re far away in India trying to collaborate with your US counterparts. I am still on track… technically it might be May 5th (Oh Shit! It’s Anusmita’s birthday and I just remembered it.. cringe… hope she doesn’t read it) but “May the 4th be with you!” –> Even cringier, if that’s a word.

Anyhoo, wanted to share that I rediscovered how our brain makes anything possible at all by just believing in it. This realization came after a long time when I was taking a siesta this afternoon (hope my boss isn’t reading as well) and saw a really scary dream. Not the one to be easily scared but some random shit was happening which was racing my heartbeat as if I didn’t have to miss cardio. Almost every hormone within us can be easily stimulated by thinking about stuff. Try convincing that to the woke dum(b)heads infesting the world today – makes me think how did the director ever came up with the movie called “Idiocracy” – go watch it if you haven’t already.

Coming back to the topic, our brain is a strong all purpose tool even capable of eliminating diseases. Today, I believe ordeals like anxiety, depression, stress, phobias have the same end points where the begin – in the brain. It is essential, we keep giving brain it’s daily dose of oxygen by at least trying to find the little things that can give us joy, happiness, and relive us from this daily stressful routine. This is where I would segue this to an experience my colleague posted on LinkedIn where he wanted to teach his son some valuable life lessons in a fun way. He found a way most of us would find cumbersome, and with his brilliant project management skills, he made it look like little joys can be found pretty easily in life — just keep the brain healthy. Here it is:

How to save the planet (or just have fun with your son)

We replaced our old fence 2 weeks ago. Instead of throwing away all of the old wood I decided to use some for a project with my son. My advice for the best results are:

1) Be Creative and Original. Don’t use Instagram. I used InstaSteve. Try using Insta(Insert Your Name Here). The results may surprise you.

2) Delegate & Share. Draw out what you envision, but have your son do all the math and measuring. It is always good for them to see practical uses for things, like calculating square feet. Real projects are more fun than the school examples.

3) Contribute Based on Interest & Ability. Do the heavy lifting yourself, like cutting the wood. Let him use the power tools to do all the assembly. Using a hand saw to cut 30 pieces of wood is boring, but inserting 50 screws with a power drill is surprisingly fun!

4) Collaborate and Learn. Ask for their ideas on how to best assemble everything. It can be harder than you think. Make them be creative with the order and discuss pros and cons. Agree with their decisions so they can see the results of their planning – even if you know it is wrong.

5) Always Encourage. Have fun. Say “Thank You”. Compliment their contributions.

6) Don’t Take Credit. Finish by saying “Look what YOU made”.

Bonus Tip: all of these can be applied to your work as well as your home, and daughters as well as sons.

censoring the faces, as I have not taken his permission to post this on my blog. But hope you liked it. See ya tomorrow!